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Our Technology

AI Assisted Diagnosis & Monitoring

RetinoScan conducts primary eye screening for targeted ocular diseases, in the blink of an eye. Once a disease state is verified, RetinoScan Advanced determines disease severity, provides monitoring services, referral pathways and AI powered alerts within the web platform.

AI Powered  

RetinoScan is our AI diagnostic offering, analysing retinal images in under a minute to accurately identify whether a patient has Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma and/or Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD).

Approved and Trusted

RetinoScan is a CE, TGA, ISO, HSA and MDA (soon to be FDA) approved Class 2 medical device suitable for mass deployment.

The Diabetic Retinopathy detection capability of RetinoScan is one of the world’s most accurate, with 97% sensitivity and 92% specificity

Improved Access

Our mission is to improve access to eye health services across the UK and Ireland, including remote and isolated communities. The early detection of chronic eye disease is vital in saving sight and lowering the lifetime costs of treatment.

Results on the Go

The results of RetinoScan are viewed through the web platform for health professionals, and mobile app for patients. RetinoScan’s intelligent software can receive images from compatible cameras via our TeleBridge device.

Disease Monitoring

For patients with a disease diagnosis, RetinoScan Advanced uses powerful AI algorithms to determine disease severity and provide lesion monitoring services. RetinoScan Advanced works within the web platform to provide information about the patient’s disease progression.

AI Powered features

Accessible, Fast and Accurate

Sophisticated AI technology analyses retinal images in under a minute. Diagnosis is made with clinical accuracy and detailed reports provided to support clinical decision making.

Innovative and Co-ordinated

Our cloud-based management platform, TeleEye MD, securely stores and manages RetinoScan data while providing a referral pathway to seamlessly co-ordinate patient care between health providers.

Optimized Patient Outcomes

Health professionals and patients can access the web platform where the patient journey is clearly depicted via the integration of RetinoScan reports, RetinoScan Advanced monitoring services and referral pathways, to optimize health outcomes.

Secure and trusted

Your security and privacy are at the forefront of our technology. We employ industry standard AES256 encryption with a secure SSL/TLS layer. Data is hosted in the country of client registration in compliance with HIPAA and GDPR protection standards, to ensure secure housing and access.