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Protos Healthcare provides AI enabled solutions for

improved Eye Health throughout the UK and Ireland.

In partnership with TeleMedC

Using state of the art retina scanning technology with integrated artificial intelligence systems to monitor eye health, we specialise in the detection of diabetic retinopathy amongst other chronic eye diseases many experience on a regular basis. Visit here to learn more about the technology we use.

Patients attend a screening location booked in advance. The attendee of the screening location uses our web platform. Patients are invited to access their own results via downloading the mobile app. For each patient, a series of retinal photos are taken, scanned and analysed by RetinoScan – our sophisticated AI service.

In under a minute, RetinoScan’s AI powered diagnostic imaging is complete.  Patients with no disease identified can readily access their RetinoScan report in the mobile app. Patients with a detected disease require the further intelligence of RetinoScan Advanced for disease verification, referral pathway and ongoing monitoring.

In the event of disease detection, the RetinoScan report is reviewed by an Eye Health Practitioner on the telemedicine platform.

Once the review is complete, the RetinoScan report is verified and a virtual referral pathway is inititated to coordinate care on behalf of the patient. Referrals are sent via the online platform to the patient’s exisitng or local Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, General Practitioner, Endocrinologist, Nutritionist or Sight Services Association, as required.

Patients with a disease diagnosis (verified in their RetinoScan results) are intelligently monitored by RetinoScan Advanced within the online platform.

RetinoScan Advanced measures a patient’s progression over time with lesion analysis and monitoring. Health Practitioners within a patient’s referral pathway recieve clinical updates on the web platform.

Patients with the mobile app can access their real time health information while AI powered alerts remind the patient to receive followup care.

At all stages of the RetinoScan patient journey, we aim to educate and empower patients to optimize their own health outcomes through the web platform. We provide AI powered reminders, alerts, information and recommendations based on a patient’s verified RetinoScan diagnosis.

I am a member

of the public

For a limited time we are running a free eye scanning and diagnostic service using Retinoscan technology. See below for booking slots.

I am a Pharmacy

or Optometrist

Please get in touch if you would like to bring protos technology to your clinic, we are expanding across the UK and Ireland.